Oyaide outlets

I just recently have been reading about these outlets and decided to give one a try for my system.My question is are there any audiogoners out there that have tried the SWO-GX or the SWO-XXX and which did you prefer.My system is SET with horns and was wondering which outlet would be the better match.I would like to try and get this right the first time as i have never swapped out an outlet before.From what i am reading i will probably be happy with either of these but i was wondering if the lushness of the GX may suite my horns better or will the added detail of the XXX be more the ticket?Also is cryoing definitely the way to go with these.I have had success with other cryo'd PC's but was wondering if there can be to much of a good thing?That could be another thread altogther i guess-never mind ; \
Thanks for all input in advance!

Showing 6 responses by alanmkafton

Seekburk....I always offer a no-sweat exchange if a customer wishes to change outlets. The point is to find what offers the best synergy, and provides the most satisfaction for you. I've even sent a second and different outlet for customers to try after the fact, so one can choose without risk.

As far as something being "too much of a good thing", that might be the case if you don't enjoy more refinement and more musical information from your system. That's what I've consistently experienced with proper cryogenic treatment, and why I committed my resources to this procedure for the last several years.

audio excellence az
Tplavas...."warm in the middle"?? Your experience is a bit odd for the XXX, as the palladium-over-gold contacts are the leanest of the entire group. If the upper treble "was tizzy" as well, I would suggest it wasn't fully conditioned. The new Ultimo's have heavier contacts, and consequently will require longer conditioning than other outlets. Then again, the interaction with certain power cables can cause a sonic mismatch. As you well know, finding synergy can be a crapshoot....it's not always plug-and-play.
FYI....Oyaide outlets were designed and built to accommodate 10-gauge solid-core wire.

alan m. kafton
audio excellence az
I've not directly compared the Oyaide to Isoclean or Wattgate. All are very fine products, and ultimately, things come down to a matter of personal preference. When we read of an end user stating that one product was "better", I always take that comment with a bottle of salt. Each product (substrate and plating) offers a different tonal quality, a different sonic perspective, and in some cases a different emphasis in the frequency range. Do you like a Stratocaster or a Les Paul Custom? A vintage Martin, or a Takamine? All are very good, but we will likely prefer one over another. Food for thought in our hobby.

alan m. kafton
audio excellence az
Rhyno....the Ultimo's have only recently hit the US shores, so long-term evaluation is premature at this time. As I've used the original Oyaide in my line conditioner (for nearly a year-and-a-half), I've not had any gripping problems, nor have I heard of any from customers. What power cables did you use that created this problem?

Interestingly, the "jena labs" outlet you mentioned *is* a Hubbell HBL5362. Some find it grips beautifully, others using very heavy cabling (like an Elrod or VD) find that it does lose its grip over the long haul. Which Hubbell model did you find that didn't have this "grip strength"?
With that in mind, I'll check out what's new at CES. I usually stop in to see Frank and Patti every show.