Owning Up To It

Please cite the most forgettable moment in the history of your favorite band. Remember; This is for posterity, so please include as many details as possible :)))

Showing 1 response by clearthinker

I met Plant in Hong Kong, in a restaurant.  It was the week of the handover to China in 1997.   We saw him on the next table but respected his privacy.

Our group was taking photos of ourselves by putting the camera on delay and standing it on an upturned beer glass.  We weren't using flash so the camera needed to stay still.  Plant came over and offered to take the photo.  I said 'Thanks but no, we're working on available light'.  'What a great album title!' Plant replied.  I said 'Yes, but if you use it you'll have to pay me royalties!'

Plant then sat down at our table and we chatted for five minutes.