Owners opinion on Jadis jd1 ,transporter how reliable is it when used on repeat

Owners opinion on Jadis jd1
.... how is the reliability when used on repeat 24/7 for weeks at a time.
....did it ever fail how much trouble is it to fix it ?.....what made you chose it over other contenders primarily the mbl and esoteric?Thanks Alexander 
A. I would like to hear from owners about “known problems and experience”. It is expensive item , no good support therefore a pain to fix. However it is one of the transporters that I was very impressive for me reading basic CD very well with interesting look. B. I have had issues with low end players and cd drives turning into junk and I do not believe parts for this unit or expertise are that easy available.
...I am looking to for info on what direction is best for me in regards of source for my systems.
Why? Is there something special about Jadis? Do they not use the same parts as others? Standardization, anyone? Vast majority of all parts manufactured today, and for the last umpteen years, are made to a standard of something like a million cycles. What you think is a lot is really not much at all. In the world of electronics the most wear and tear is pushing buttons, turning things on and off. You think 24/7 for weeks is an ordeal. Your component calls it cake.