Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in

Recently I discovered that there is a cottage industry out there producing some great speakers. Then I posted asking who are these companies and what speakers are they churning out. I was surprised at how many names popped up that I never heard of before. This time around we would like to hear from the owners and their experiences.
One last note, I beleive most of us realize how fortunate for us to have such a variety to choose from, only thing we need to figure out is how do we get to hear them?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by tedmbrady

Bob Smith of SP Tech is a mad scientist genius. His speakers are the best kept secret on the planet, and some of that is not good. As DU said, he has a great following. Jim Merod, the well-published recording engineer/reviewer, has personally told me there are two speakers on this planet that he believes convey real music through their transducers, and the SP Tech Revelations are one of them! I won the opnly pair in the US to have the Ultimate Mundorf external crossover boxes to-date, and will get three addtl on Friday, a cnter channel Continuum AD with Ultimate external, and a pair of Continuum AD's with intermediate externals for my music surrounds. Yes, I've made a commitment. :>)
I owned the Sasons for a year and a half and loved them. Robert and Steve are class acts! Nothing disappears like well placed Sasons. I'm kinda partial to LaPorte, I guess. :>)