Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in

Recently I discovered that there is a cottage industry out there producing some great speakers. Then I posted asking who are these companies and what speakers are they churning out. I was surprised at how many names popped up that I never heard of before. This time around we would like to hear from the owners and their experiences.
One last note, I beleive most of us realize how fortunate for us to have such a variety to choose from, only thing we need to figure out is how do we get to hear them?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by rubinken

Steve and Robert at Ridge Street Audio Design (RSAD) produce a great monitor speaker- the Sason Ltd. They do not advertise nationally, and do not have a dealer network. Word of mouth & candy-in-the-ear-and-eye is how they are sold.

After talking to Steve at length over the phone, he contacted a prior owner to see if I could visit for a listen. The proud owner generously invited me into his home. I stayed for hours. Although this is not the best way to audition, it certainly is effective and more personal than a sterile showroom presentation.

Steve worked closely with me during his hand building of the speakers, and included individual requests. This level of genuine service added a satisfying feeling to a traditionally sterile financial transaction.

BTW- Steve & Robert will be demonstrating their (elusive) Sason's at AKFest this year. I hope many folks get a listen & a look at these emotionally involving speakers.