Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in

Recently I discovered that there is a cottage industry out there producing some great speakers. Then I posted asking who are these companies and what speakers are they churning out. I was surprised at how many names popped up that I never heard of before. This time around we would like to hear from the owners and their experiences.
One last note, I beleive most of us realize how fortunate for us to have such a variety to choose from, only thing we need to figure out is how do we get to hear them?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by 4krow

B.E.S.L. speakers from Indiana have been my mainstay for several years now. I met the owner, Phil Bamberg quite accidently at a cafe. He overheard a conversation that I was having with my son and chimed in. Somehow, the conversation turned to audio, and I ended up at his house listening to some very fine speakers. In the end, i purchased a pair for myself, and that was more than 8 years ago,quite a record for me as far as keeping a set of speakers. He is still selling a few models (mine were about 2,200 dollars). Only recently I have decided to sell these great speakers and build a single driver set of speakers. anyway, what were the odds?