Owners of Jelco arms?

In my haste to buy a new Jelco arm (TK 850M) while still available I forgot they do not come with an interconnect.  So I'll need a cable with a straight DIN which does not cost more than the arm!

Can any other Jelco owners comment on what you would recommend and why you like it?


Showing 2 responses by hdm

Another vote for the Audio Sensibility. I use their copper version (2 in fact) and found it to be noticeably better than the the Jelco cable-I used the 506 balanced
version for many years. 

I described the differences that I heard in a review of the cable at Canuckaudiomart linked to below. My assessment of it was very different than
noromance's but we have also been on different sides of the fence on the Yamamoto HS4 headshell as well-we must have different listening priorities/preferences. 

If you search there are also other reviews on the Audio Sensibility cable that 
are a bit more recent at Canuckaudiomart as well. 

Different systems, different ears and subjective listening preferences perhaps. Funny, but I found the high frequencies to quite possibly be the one area in which the Audio Sensibility Impact cable most showed its superiority to the Jelco cable (sounding much more natural, almost like a layer of grit had been removed) but it was pretty noticeable pretty much from top to bottom. No loss of transparency or spatial cues here. Just more music.

I'd be inclined to agree with a review of the AS cable posted below; that reviewer
essentially heard what I heard in terms of the AS vs. the Jelco. And the Jelco I was using had also been cryoed and burned in on an Audiodharma cable cooker and had been improved over the stock Jelco cable IMO. 

So yes, probably a good idea for the OP try try both cables from Steve. 
