Outstanding Speakers, Outstanding

Harmonic Precision CARAVELLS are OUTSTANDING Speakers.I just
want to Thank, Warren for having the courage to speakout on
these new Speaker.They Sound BIG and RICH very musical.The
CARAVELLE do things with music that a lot of full range
Speakers can`t do right.Also thanks Scotty and other members for your recommending these Speakers.People just don`t know what they are missing out on. (Again Thanks)
I believe it was something with the manufacture of their stands that is/was holding things up. Very expensive and some problematics keeping that cost down. Not really sure what the deal is, but Robert certainly be the man to talk to about all of this. I know they want the 6 Moons review to happen more than anyone, but want to be ready for production that won't keep people on a very long wait list. warren :-)
I owned Essence 30's and an Essence amp or two, great sound. 3d staging when setup right, a tad overdamped and slightly on the side of dark.Tom
Come on guys. This Caravelle thing has been done over and over. We all know who the proponents are and how they feel. How much more is there? Let it RIP.

You can scoff if you want, but you could do FAR worse than a pair of Caravelles. Probably would give your maggies more than a run for the money....

Is there an (800) number where I can call with my credit card details NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I've backtracked through this thread to your original review--and your description is VERY similar to what I am experiencing with my new Intuitive Design Summits, with their own dedicated stands. It's eerie, because I'm also planning a review to alert people about these speakers, and I've also listened to the new JM Lab (Mini or Micro BE, whichever one is closer to the ~$5000 price point) and came to an identical conclusion regarding the superiority of the Summit, albeit in my case with different front end electronics, so potentially unfair. Also, like you, I have concerns regarding the believability of what will be a glowing (and unsolicited) review. However, we can only report what we hear. Maybe we'll have to form a support group for verbally abused Audiogon reviewers, IF we can pull ourselves away from our sweet spots long enough to go to the meetings! :)
I for one, am still awaiting the long publicized yet never realized review of these speakers at 6moons.com. Last time I asked about the review, I was told the company was the hangup, no loaner pair, one key employee/part owner left the company. After the pre-review on them there, you would think Starsound would push for the full review, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Why Starsound would start the review process with 6moons then pull out remains a mystery.
go to their website. everything will be revealed...or call Robert as I stated above...
Sounds interesting. Some questions on these. Where are the speakers built? Who makes the drivers? What is their impedance and efficiency rating. What is their weight? How much do they cost? Any reviews coming up? Thanks!
Ray, call Robert over at Starsound Technologies. He's the owner of the company. If anyone would know if there are a pair of Caravelles to be heard in sunny Florida, he be da man. Why not call him, and see if he can work something out with you on a purchase with a moneyback guarantee less shipping? Something like that. I doubt if you'll want to send those babies back. They are quite unbelievable in speakerdom. warren :)
Pat, you amaze me. With everything going on in your life: you're an audiophool to the end...Man, could I (the Caravelles) have used your tympanics a couple of years ago......'twas not meant to be....warren :-)
Another very worthy contender is The Ultimate Monitor by Audio Machina. IMO, they suffer from ADD (appearance deficit disorder) but I could live with that because of how good they are. Amazingly good.
Yea Yea Yea, but they still are not as good as the
GM Europas!!! BOOM* KO, Cya ;o) ;o) ;o)

Just kiddin! I'll have to hear them one day I guess.
Halleluyah!! Thanks for the feedback guys. I knew I was experiencing something very special a couple of years ago. I suppose I came off a little too strong way back then, but I was so freaked out by what I was hearing. I hope the Caravelles (now) get the PR and recognition they deserve. Lugnut, you made a good point. At first what seemed to be a crazy price for these little babies, appears, looking back, to be a good value considering some of the outrageous prices that are about. And as I (and you guys as well) have said oodles of (yes I realize, adnaueam at times) times: They deliver; big time. thanks again for coming to the plate with your experiences. warren :)
I too was knocked out by the Caravelles at RMAF. The stands are too odd-looking for me to be comfortable having them in our living room. But Robert Maicks and Tom Lyons told me there is a new stand design in the works.
I too listened to the Caravelles at RMAF in both rooms where they were playing. Amazing! I would love to own these speakers. The new stands are a work of art too. Warren, it's a shame you've recieved such criticism. It's obvious that Star Sound takes a "no holds barred" approach to everything they do which makes their products more costly than most BUT they preform much better than what the competition offers making them a very, very good buy, IMO.
Hey Twl, I was just on the 6 moons website and couldn't find a word mentioned regarding the Caravelles under their RMAF review (that's really not a review, according to Srajan). Is there another report I'm missing?
Saffy the new dedicated stands are outstanding..Having used the previous 24in Sistrum stands with the Caravelles the new stands allow the speakers to open up even more..The new stands allow the speakers to become invisible with more speed and top to bottom continuity. The Caravelles with these dedicated stands now seem as if they are a one way speaker.No lag or blurr in time or character of frequency, all is coherent. These stands allow the Caravelles adjustment of horizontal and vertical level. The pair becomes even more transparent and open if the tweeters are at the same height left to right. I raised the front 1/8th inch higher than the back,this seems to raise the vertical stage slightly and allows for the upper mids and highs to roll out into the room increasing the ambient air of the music.Even with the adjustments made this speaker/stand package is rock solid,locked down and extremely reactive in resonance transfer.. I am a Starsound dealer..Tom
BLCube, glad you are enjoying them. I think you will continue to hear subtle improvements past the two month timeframe (depending upon your length of listening sessions and break-in).
Tom, I am happy to have been able to enjoy all the bits and pieces,points and platforms and racks and amps and now the speakers from this most innovative company..I have been along on the ride since 1992 as a customer and in the last year as a dealer of Starsound products..Its all about to happen for them..FINALLY! Tom
Yes, 6moons' Srajan, wrote on his RMAF review that he thought the JM Labs Micro Utopia had met its match, and that he was "impressed shitless"(his terms) with the Harmonic Precision Caravelles, and their new stands.

I think he also said something about them being "a very serious loudspeaker".

It's all on the 6moons website.

I'd also like to point out that in this impressive demo that "floored" alot of people, the Starsound Technologies entire lineup was used, including the awesome Harmonic Precision 110 monoblocks, all Sonoran Plateau cables, Sistrum rack and platforms, and Audiopoints. A very nice DCS digital player was playing the discs, and was supported on the Sistrum Rack. Several other good-sounding rooms also had Sistrum platforms and Audiopoints under their gear for the show.
Krellcoda, finally the Caravelles are receiving the press they deserve. Read what 6moons.com has to say about what they heard at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. 'tis very exciting...peace, warren
Stan just emailed me some pictures of the Caravelle stands. They look fabulous. I can't wait to get them.
Man, if you love them now, I can't wait to hear what you think after your babies are sitting atop their stands. You have no idea. You got something to really look forward to. Although a tad pricier, you can then move up to their Sistrum Mini Platform System. Just keeps getting better. Starsound is going to be at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest next month. They will finally get some of the attention they deserve. Wait 'til audiophools hear these babies. thanks for the thanks. warren
WARREN,Yes I have the stand on order.Warren believe me every
time I listen to these speakers they sound even better than
before. They are almost 2mo.old.and the sound is what get
to me.The tone of the instrument,The tone of notes from the
instrument.They sound so natural and good.That enough out of
me.(KRELLCODA)I know the stands are worthy of the wait.
BRENT won`t let us down. Again Thank WARREN
Coda I spoke to Brent Friday. He was on his way to finish the final pre-production version of the dedicated stand. This evidently is a very complex design to produce. Some of the parts are rolled steel and may stretch slightly. Close tolerances had to be maintained of course so the stretching issue had to be eliminated. Some parts are simply machined but all must come into alignment together for total unit integrity. Brent now seems to think all these issues are resolved. This maybe one of his best designs ever, and will take the Caravelle way beyond what the current standard stands can draw, vibration wise, from what is the most inert cabinet I have ever encountered..Tom
I still waiting for the darn stands. I'm sure my Caravelles will go up a notch once mounted on their dedicated stands.

I believe Robert and Brent are in Chicago today with all their Starsound goods to be shown at the local audio society meeting.. Brent is the chief designer of Sistrum products and the Caravelle speakers.Tom
Did you purchase the dedicated stands, as well? I'm using their Sistrum Mini Platform stands. Quite amazing. I had my Revel M20s atop them, and the sound improvement was, again, dramatic. It's been 9 months with them: they are still freaking out my tympanics. I believe, Starsound is exhibiting at the Rocky Mountain Audio Show in October. That will, surely, give them some press they deserve. Looking forward to hearing the feedback from that show.
Man did I get pounded, early on, about these babies. Perhaps I was a bit over the top, but I just couldn't believe my tympanics. I was a little nuts. 'tis the audiophool, in me. The cream always comes to the top. Glad to hear you're hearing what I've been hearing....enjoy your new babies.