Outrageous used pricing on older McIntosh

Am I the only one to notice that pricing on older McIntosh gear is bordering on the ridiculous lately? In the last few months, sellers with amps and preamps that are from the 70's, 80's, and 90's are asking within a few hundred dollars of the original asking price! Now I know Mac gear holds it's value very well, but for a used item decades old to be so close to original is ridiculous. Of course, the newest gear is in the "stratasphere" region, but that is to be expected. Anyone else notice this?

Showing 3 responses by tonykay

I have noticed it, here and on other websites, and I think it's ridiculous. But let's be fair. Most used audio goes for 10-25% of original retail. Collectible items are generally in the 50% range unless current stock. It's a comfort to know that buying a used McIntosh product means you will likely get more than the usual percentage when you sell it. In this age of planned obsolescence, there's a value to that. So, while I think it's ridiculous I am always looking for a reasonably priced Mac item. Unfortunately, they're getting harder to find. Scarcity creates demand, and that drives prices up.
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."  (Quote)

Warren Buffet (probably not an audiophile).
I believe that on the e-auction site you alluded to you can check "Completed Listings" and the actual selling prices for past sales is shown in green.