Output Caps For Dehavilland Ultraverve

Has anyone changed the output caps on their Ultraverve, and if so with what and to what effect?  A couple of years ago Kara suggested Mundorf's with the caveat that she had not experimented with any of the more esoteric options.  Thanks for your advice...

Thanks for your expertise and help.  Bill, would I need the Jupiter cap rated at 100VDC or 600VDC?  Also, while it is impossible to put an absolute objective value on the benefit of using the bypass cap, how much of a subjective sound quality difference would you say there is using both caps as opposed to just the Jupiters??

Need the 600v Jupiter. 100v is for speaker crossovers. Expect the Duelund silver to improve everything top to bottom considerably. The impact they have is substantial improving the SQ of the output cap position by some 20%.  
Hi, I own an Ultraverve and a pair of Aries G's. I installed Duelunds and although it took forever for them to burn in, my Ultraverve is now, quite spectacular to hear! BTW, Kara rules !

Steven - Which Duelunds did you use?  I see that there are a couple of design variations. Kara, as well as Bill (grannyring) recommended 2.2uf.  Did you use a bypass cap as well?  The Duelunds are rather large, any issues fitting them in the chassis?  I agree that Kara, in addition to being a gifted designer, is a consummate professional and has been extremely helpful and honest... 

Hi, I actually just took a few photographs of the actual install.  Yes there are issues with fitting them in but they are minor.  Tell me how I can get the pictures to you and I will shoot them over.  I'm not the most computer genius.  My email is spfnever@aol.com. Steven