
I know this is a cables forum but PC's are heavily discussed here and I think the outlet is also important so I felt this is the best place to ask.....

I am deciding between the Oyaide R1 and a PS audio Power port premier.

Does anyone have any experience comparing the two and what were your impressions?

I have read about those and the Furutech's, Wattgate's and Shunyata outlets and get a lot of different opinions, but can always use more to make an informed decision.

I am using a Shunyata Python CX to my Power Plant Premier and then feeding the system from the PPP.

If you feel one of the others is better than the two I have narrowed it down to please tell me why and I will consider trying one of them.


Showing 3 responses by sherod

I have tried both and much prefer the Hubbell 8300H( Porter Port). The Hubbell is much less expensive as well. Albert sells them for $36.00/ea. IMHO, of course.
I've also gone through the PS Audio and Oyaide stuff. All added colorations that took away from the naturalness of the music. I've not heard the Shunyata, but the Porterport Hubbells let the music flow as naturally as possible. Bettering them for neutrality you'd have to hard-wire your power cords directly to the wall conductors from your breaker box and your home insurance wouldn't cover that route if you had an electrical fire.