
I know this is a cables forum but PC's are heavily discussed here and I think the outlet is also important so I felt this is the best place to ask.....

I am deciding between the Oyaide R1 and a PS audio Power port premier.

Does anyone have any experience comparing the two and what were your impressions?

I have read about those and the Furutech's, Wattgate's and Shunyata outlets and get a lot of different opinions, but can always use more to make an informed decision.

I am using a Shunyata Python CX to my Power Plant Premier and then feeding the system from the PPP.

If you feel one of the others is better than the two I have narrowed it down to please tell me why and I will consider trying one of them.


Showing 2 responses by nmmusicman

I have tried quite a few outlets in my system(s) from all the Oyaide outlets including the R1, PS Audio PP down to the Arrow Hart's and have to say that the Oyaide WPC-Z wallplate mounting system is an essential part in dropping the noise floor and allowing the outlets to really be heard for what they offer.

With system dependance being a huge factor in the outcome of how each outlet could be characterized, the Oyaide R1/WPC-Z has smoked all other outlets in sheer musicality. The PS Audio PP have a much tighter bass but their foward mids and prominent grainy highs held it back. The Arrow Harts do not even begin to compete. They are however, better than the .79 cent outlets that usually come stock in homes.

I have not tried a Porter Port and from the comments posted here, I just might to see how it stacks up against the R1. As to the SR Teslaplex, I don't share the enthusiasm that others do as I was able to hear it head to head in a setup that allowed almost instant outlet changeout in a high resolution system and compared to the R1, it lacked the sheer musicality of the R1 and it also cast what could be descibed as a "haze" over the music. The soundstage also shrank by a small degree with the Telsplex which I found quite odd. Of course, others who have installed the Teslaplex in their systems are more than happy with the results so again, system dependancy is highly at play here and it may not have been fully broken it at that time. I plan to revisit the Teslaplex in my own system here in the future and will report out what I find.

Speaking of hard wiring, I hard wired/soldered the power cord of my high current balanced power transformer to the romex cable at the wall and it was a revelation and showed just how much that ALL outlets degrade the PRaT and sound quality.

I left it that way for a few weeks but the thought of not being able to quickly disconnect the unit from the wall in case of an emergency forced me to reinstall an outlet and AC plug and that led me to try different outlets and AC plugs and it was the Oyaide SWO-XXX/WPC-Z/Oyaide P-079 that came the closest to no outlet at that time and when the R1 was introduced, the R1/WPC-Z took that even closer. Of course, these results were in my system and one should NOT expect the exact same results in their system.

Oyaide outlets and plugs really do need to be used together as they form a very synergistic match when mated and of course one can "season to taste" the sound quality one is looking for by mixing and matching the outlets/plugs.

My interest is still piqued on the Porter Port though...
