Outlaw RR2150 - Is there a better receiver?

Thinking about a new RR2150 for amp and tuner combined.

Is there anything else near this price point ($700) I should consider...new or used? Would an older (Sony?, Marantz? Rotel?) suit me just as well?

95% of time will only need amp and tuner sections, so other R2150 features simply nice to have...The RR2150 seems to be hard to find used.



Showing 1 response by klptzyxm

I have all Outlaw equipment. 990 preamp and 7125 amp in the living room, and the Retro Receiver in my den. I choose Outlaw due to the quality of the phono preamp, FM tuner specs and the built in USB. Price is no object for us, yet Outlaw is inexpensive, and good gear. Is it perfect, no - but I've heard expensive gear sound really no better at the high end shops.

All sound great, easy to use and having the built in USB for my two computers with our extensive library in lossless is very convienient.