Our Responsibility

As my music system competes with fireworks in the background (4th of July, after 9 pm) I’ve been reflecting on John Darko’s recent post (linked below). Specifically this section:

"Being a hi-fi enthusiast isn’t about the gear we own, the music we listen to or in which format. It’s about how we listen: attentively and mindfully, to the music AND to others."

Perhaps the significance and import of this very special day in our national history has opened up a window within me, to explore this further.

I’m asking our community: What is it that we can do to share and expand our interest and hobby, and this special love of music, with others?

From Darko.Audio: https://darko.audio/2019/07/the-know-it-all-audiophile-threatens-community-expansion/

Showing 2 responses by keegiam

<< That's how I cultivate the next generation. >> @kosst_amojan
Your "cultivation" sounds a lot like proselytism.  Most people react negatively to that kind of attitude, which is understandable.  I suggest some introspection on your motivations.
Kosst_Amojan:  <<Your post is a text book example of the "leave people alone in their own opinions and never challenge them" thinking>>

Not sure how you inferred this from my post.  I neither said nor think that.  You simply seem much more heavy-handed than I in introducing people to higher-quality audio than they're aware of - thus my "proselytism" comment.

There are primarily two scenarios that might lead me to an introduction.  1:  people visit and see my system, and I make a light-hearted apology for the elaborate equipment, explaining that high quality music playback is a lifelong hobby.  If they respond positively or are inquisitive, then the discussion leads where it may.

2:  At home, or out and about, if someone comments on good sound they're hearing, I will follow up to see what they're thinking and if they're receptive to pursuing it for themselves.

I do not feel any duty to "spread the gospel" by bringing the topic up every time I realize someone just wants to listen to songs and has no interest in more realistic reproduction.