Other Rectifier tubes Alternative for 5AR4

I have several components that it explicitly stated that I can use a variety of rectifiers in the same family: 5AR4, 5U4, 5Y4, 5Y3 ... etc.

i have a custom built 300B power amp based on the Luxman MQ-300. It uses 5AR4, but it doesn’t state I can put in other tubes. How safe is it to put in other rectifier tubes mentioned above?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by atmasphere

No. I mean that in your amp that quality won't make a difference. Cathode stripping is a phenomena of indirectly heated power tubes. Your power tubes are directly heated (the filament is the cathode literally) so cathode stripping is impossible.
The reason I asked is that I have a Musical Paradise DAC which states that I can roll all those different tubes.
In a DAC the current draw will be minimal (most rectifiers can handle the output section of an amplifier) so a wider variety of tubes can be used- the outcome will be that the B+ voltage will be slightly lower.
Its not an issue in this case since you have directly heated cathodes, but the 5AR4 also has a controlled warmup time to prevent cathode stripping. At any rate there aren't any good subs for it.