Otari or Technics Reel-to-Reel ?

I am thinking about getting one of those in the future. I am sure I would want Studer but they are too expensive for me. I want the deck to be able to record on 7.5 and 15 and to play on 3.75, 7.5 and 15, both half-track and quater-track tapes.
I would be recording from vinyl making compilations and listening to studio recordings whenever I could get them.
I would be prepared to pay to have it properly cleaned aligned and calibrated.
I actually never delt with RTR, but in my heart I am a tape man not vinyl man.
What would your recommendations and advice be? I would appreciate any input based on knowledge and experience.

Showing 1 response by effischer

I had a TEAC A-3440 multi-track back in the day. Go for Otari or Tandberg - they have a very strong following and are serviceable. Note that head alignment isn't enough - you also have to bias the record circuit for the tape(s) you want to use. I suggest you bias for a tape that is still manufactured. Not sure what's out there anymore.

Good luck & happy listening!