Ortofon X1-MC

Does anybody have experience with this cartridge? I am thinking of trying one on my Thorens 150TD with an unmodified TP 13A tonearm. Compliance and weight matches well on paper.
Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
Thanks Bob, yes Needle Doctor price tweaked my interest. Jjorqueram's assessment of X-1 sounds like it isn't going to provide significant improvement from Grado Blue I am currently using, which is reasonably detailed but lacking magic with this arm and table. Suggestion of Dynavector 10X looks like a good one - but almost 5 times X-1 current price - I guess that is why it is actually called the 10X5 :-)
I believe I saw one of these on sale on the Needle Doctor's "closeout" page. You might want to check it out.

Hello i had X-1, X-3 and X-5 ortofon cartridges, they are good family MC High output cartridges.Into x-1 to x-5 are a long distant of quality but also price.
X-1 i remember that the principal thing was detail, but maybe was thin sound.
if you want other please see a Dynavector 10x. i think the best for the price in these group, sorry for my english