Ortofon Cadenza

Has anyone heard any of these cartridges? What is their sonic signature? Specifically, I am interested in the bronze and the black. Thanks.
Has anyone compared this cart with the Clearaudio Concerto ? Or the Lyra Line ?
I had a pleasure to hear this Cadenza Black cart again last night. I was there when it was freshly installed hearing the out-of-the box-sound. The moment it played the first track on Art Pepper meets Rhythm Section album, we were amazed how warmth the presentation was. Artist was so relaxed and you can feel and hear the decay of the sax. On vocals with Diana Krall, you can hear clearly her breath with a bit lush. Playing Tears in Heaven unplugged by Eric Clapton, you can feel the emotions of Eric and how he missed his son. The bite of the guitar is crunchy but not too much. Belafonte Live in Carnegie Hall, while playing the Matilda track is really fascinating. Harry was all over the stage walking around and makes the audience sing with him - Very Engaging. Royal Ballet tracks makes you enjoy the transients and the bass extension coming from the orchestra.

What I have noticed is that, it will take time before the highs opens up. When I heard it from last week it was so confined compared to presents that it has sparkles already.

The cart is not Exaggerated-that will give you syrupy mid range and highs but less on others aspects. What it gives you is a good tonal balance, focused, warm sounding music and sincere reproduction on your records. It's an engaging cart.
This cart seems to be interesting and promising. It's like combination of Kontrapunkt and Jubilee I guess. I am also looking forward to hear this cart soon.
Yes, I just got the Cadenza Black. I had a Kontrapunkt c previously. The Cadenza Black is even more detailed, even more centered imaging of instruments, voice, etc. The top end is extended and sweet. The bass is also very extended, and super fast. Very tight sound. The midrange is totally free of harshness too. This is the lowest noise I have ever heard from vinyl. I don't know if the diamond shape is different or what, but it very, very quiet during the soft points in music.