Originals vs. reissues/current issues

I've spent all day, again, listening and I've been not very inpressed by all of the LPs I've played until I put on an original ELP "Brain Salad Surgery" Manticore.
Ahh!!! All day and finally the total musical (whole) I've been craving.

Showing 1 response by slaw

Macdadtexas, I listen to it because it is a GREAT lp! Music affects everyone in a very different way. How can you dismiss my admiration for one band for another, in the way you did? I usually take the dismissive posts, but this time I'm not. Try putting one of YOU're Personal Favorites out there for the vultures to tear apart! I certainly wouldn't say, How could you even like that band, out of hand. Music affects people in very personal ways.