Origin Live company support

Looking for other’s experience to work with Origin Live Company in UK. I have their turntable motor kit. Control board is broken. Motor and power transformer work fine.

Feedback to my email to them (They replied to one email. No responses after my follow-up email)- I was told the motor kit is too old, and they do not service it; I was asked to buy a new one. Can’t buy the part I need, as the new control board is not compatible with old motor and transformer. Need to buy transformer, board and motor. No discounts for replacement, pay full price on web site.

I called them by phone. Feedback from call: I cannot afford the time to talk on the phone to customers. I give the best deal. Buy it and if you don't like it - send it back for full refund.


Showing 1 response by morningstaraudio

That is a shame to hear that.
  My next table/arm was going to be Origin, now I'm having second thoughts.