Origin Live Arm in NYC Area

Hi Folks:

I am trying to make a decision between two arms (Origin Live and TW Raven) for my new front end. I am visiting High Water Sound this week to see/hear the Raven arm. There are no Origin Live dealers in my area so would be purchasing from the west coast sight unseen/heard unless I can find one nearby. I'd love to have the opportunity to see/hear an OL arm in the premium range (Encounter/Illustrious/Conqueror) if someone has one and is willing to host. Please send me a PM if you are up for a visit and within an hour of the Delaware Water Gap. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Neither allows for azimuth adjustment. Study the arms, study cartridge design, watch Ledermann explain in detail, you will see. The axis of rotation of these arms, neither one is anywhere close to parallel let alone coincident with the azimuth of a cartridge. Only Soundsmith with the three removable pieces allows for proper azimuth adjustment.

The bearings are one thing, design is another. OL is a hybrid of unipivot type zero tolerance but combined with standard gimbal bearings so you get the best of both. 

But really, when it comes to materials and construction you cannot go by materials and construction. You can only go by the designer. Like me, I know how good my Conqueror is and have absolutely zero doubt the new one is significantly better. Not only that, but better in a way I will like. Because designers just tend to follow and develop along their natural affinities. 

Not that it matters. Raven just knocked themselves out of contention. If you ever lived with arms like this I think you'd agree. You will at the very least need to spend about as much on the cable as the arm, or if not then I can just about guarantee the Raven will be nowhere even close to a Conqueror. And that after fiddling around trying who knows how many trying to get close. Which you won't. Because at the tiny micro voltages a MC puts out no connection is perfect enough to not do real harm to such a subtle signal. They simply must be eliminated. Which OL does. 
My Origin Live Conqueror is 12 years old and I'm within an hours drive of Sea Tac airport so if you are interested.... 
Had a Graham before OL and based on the tremendous performance gap the main feature I look for now is continuous tone arm leads. Which both the Raven and OL have. So unless you can find one to compare, which congrats if you do, then it is a tough call.

One thing I don't like about the Raven is its so-called azimuth adjustment. If you study azimuth, especially Ledermann who is the only one to really get it, then you will see the Raven headshell cannot be adjusting azimuth. Its at the wrong angle. The only true azimuth adjustment on the market is the one Ledermann has designed into his cartridges. On the Raven it is nothing more than adding unnecessary interfaces, something to be avoided at all costs in a tone arm.

When you get to the level this high it is hard to believe anyone is going to come along with something new and instantly be at the same level as say Origin Live that has been specializing in this for so many decades. What they can do however is make one that looks the tits. Especially since the one weakness of OL is their genuine British crapsmanship. Fit and finish are not their strength, that's for sure. So to the extent that matters it leans Raven.

Then there's the wild card, customer service. One thing about Origin Live, if you ever have a question or really need help they will get back to you within a week or so. Usually. No guarantees. Probably busy brushing up their crapsmanship. Seriously, love the sound, very well made, just not up to world class levels of finish and nowhere near average even customer service. No idea where Raven rates on service.

Good luck finding someone to host an audition. That is one thing I have never been able to manage.