Ordered a Willsenton R300

Everything I have read about this 300b tube amp has been very positive, particularly Steve Huff's review on his website.  I have always thought I would love the sound of 300b tubes and this is my chance to get one for a very modest price.  It ought to drive my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters very nicely.  I will report back my impressions of the amp when it is fully revealed to me. 


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I just received the Willsenton R300 from China Hi-Fi.  First off, to state the build quality is good, is a gross understatement.  The build quality is as good or better than some $5k amps that I’ve owned.  As for parts quality, that is another matter.  Some will complain that the tubes, caps, resistors, rca and speakers jacks could be better but I’m not sure yet as to if changing them to premium parts will morph the amp into something much better.  

I don’t have much time on the unit yet and my speakers aren’t very sensitive but the sound it’s producing is quite good.  VERY QUIET, very spatial, smooth with good bass.  I definitely need to give it some more time to “burn in” but right from the start, excellent sound overall.  And no, this is not my first tube amp.  It is also not my first SET amp.  And no, it is not the best amp I’ve ever owned.  Not yet at least. However, I have owned amplifiers that cost in excess of $5k and what I’m hearing initially has me feeling that this amp can hold its own with the big boys.  

Of course it isn’t the best for everyone or every situation but the Willsenton R300 sounds amazing and initially it feels as though it has an amazing build quality.  For $1000 plus $250 ish in shipping, I just don’t see how you can go wrong.  

Once the unit settles in and I pair it with a more appropriate speaker, I will get a feel for areas that I might like to make some changes (caps, resistors, tubes).  And truth be told, my gut has me feeling that any of those changes will only yield slight potential increases in sound.  All too often people overstate the effects of changing parts.  I’ve heard positive differences in swapping parts and I’ve heard negative differences in changing parts to boutique parts.  It’s a recipe, season to taste but it’s not as easy as you would hope.


Sorry for the ramble and Happy New Year.