Ordered a Willsenton R300

Everything I have read about this 300b tube amp has been very positive, particularly Steve Huff's review on his website.  I have always thought I would love the sound of 300b tubes and this is my chance to get one for a very modest price.  It ought to drive my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters very nicely.  I will report back my impressions of the amp when it is fully revealed to me. 


Showing 2 responses by hilde45

@charles1dad You're right. It's a tube amplifier, integrated, around the same price point (a bit above). But no, not 300B. That could be a deal breaker for many, but not for all. 

If you don’t like, you might consider an American competitor with a great track record for customer reviews as well as a reputation for service and reliability.
