Oracle turn table

Since my purse will open only to the mention of “pre-owned”. I am looking for information on the different model of Oracle turn table. I have read some reviews but it is not enough to make a decision on what to look for. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much Jeffoistarca for the information. I went and searched on the entire range of model you have mentioned and you are right; the Mark IV is the best choice .I fell in love with the Oracle table in the beginning of the 80s at a Toronto show and I guess I stayed under the spell long enough to still desire one. If I can find one I would like to set it with the Quad 405-2 ,34 pre-amp and a pair of KEF 105.2.Hopefuly I will be able to trade the clarity of sound of CDs for music.

Newbee the Nottingham is a mean looking thing what made you choose that?
Cocotte, There is a benefit to having an unsuspended table. I like the CONCEPT of not having to tune the suspension and having the motor completely isolated from the TT. Additionally it gives me another choice when selecting arms.
Humm! Newbee, point taken, a more practical approach indeed. Well, I will satisfy my dream first then I will consider this avenue if cannot get the combination right.
Which makes me think about something …errrrhummm…you wouldn’t be interested in a couple of cats (12) by any chance?
Cocotte, I already have a male Maine Coon cat who has tried to ride the platter (once!) and I had to remove my panels & stats because of his claws. He leaves my dynamics alone because the grill are held on by magnets and fall off easily if touched - he's a quick learner. One 18lb PIA is enuf thank you!
I agree with Newbee. I have an Alexandria with a Sumiko MMT arm and it is a very good rig indeed, especially for the cash outlay. It has remained a constant in my system every since I bought it back in 1986 and is the one component that I haven't felt the need to upgrade, even though my system has been upgraded many times since 1986. I recently had my Alexandria overhauled with new springs, bushings, etc and installed a new Benz Glider cartridge. It still makes great music!
