Oracle Delphi mkI tweaks

Hi. i haven't even listened to this thing yet for various reasons, one being that i dont have a phono stage. but i'm already getting the disease. can someone offer some tweaks? i have the alphason arm and a new benz glider cart. the power supply is original and the springs were just redone. i was thinking of taking it in to brooks berdan (he's in my area) and having him do some of his magic. any ideas? am i starting with a great table or only an ok table. can i do much better for the money $700? I heard randy's setup at optimal enchantment (oracle delphi mkV with graham arm and arc phono ref and almost wet myself) . i know i'm a tad far away from that set up but other than recommending a nice phono stage (i'm going with a custom made space-tech labs) can you guys offer up some advice and maybe include some prices if you know them. like should i upgrade the power supply. the internal wire for the alphason? i should also mention that it's got the goldmund relief mat upgrade and goldman clamp - although i think the original looks cooler.

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

I lusted for a Delphi IV for many years before I took the plunge and I've loved every moment it's been in my system. I'm now using a Lehmann Black Cube phono stage with Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler power cord, and I like what it does in my set-up. You may want to consider the Cube in your search for a step-up. I've seen some of the older Delphi's but never had a chance to listen to them critically, Jacques Riendeau insisted the 'tables evolved over time and continued to improve with each new iteration. Not surprised, I suppose they believed in all the changes they made along the way, or wouldn't have introduced them. I've seen and heard the new Delphi V, awesome 'table but more than a little pricey. A year ago I dropped into one of my favourite audio salons here in Montreal, and lo and behold, there was an Oracle Alexandria for $300! Like your table, it was in terrific shape but could benefit from a check-up. I took it to Oracle, and they did a wonderful job tweaking and tuning the table for a reasonable price. Long winded way of pointing out that it may be worth considering sending your table to the good folks in Sherbrooke. They'll recommend mods/upgrades, you can pick and choose which you'd like to have them do. I certainly agree with Doug, well worth keeping your 'table! Jeff