Oracle Delphi Mk I motor and PS upgrades

Are there any good/cheaper alternatives to Origin Live's motor and PS upgrade for the Oracle Delphi Mk I?

Showing 4 responses by mingles

Thanks Manitunc. I appreciate your reply.

I have to wonder if a VPI/Basis motor will fit under the Delphi platter. It needs to be a specific height and the pulley has to align perfectly with the platter. I hate to buy something that won't work.

My platter is turning slightly fast. I'm sure the motor is fine. More than likely, it's the circuit that's drifted. I adjusted the trim as much as possible, but can't get the correct speed. It's ever so slightly fast. Now that it's on my radar, I'll obsess over it until I get it right. A control box would be ideal, but the SDS is too expensive. The Origin Live kit is looking more attractive now. I just wish there were other options.

If anyone has an inexpensive suggestion, please let me know.

Many thanks,
I adjusted the screw on the back of the motor as far as it would go. I don't see anything to adjust on "the left side of the front speed selector mount." Your Delphi is newer than mine, so I might not have that. Thanks again for your help.
Manitunc, this is a bit late, but I appreciate your help. I'm embarrassed to say, but I was using an LED to measure the speed. A friend clued me into the fact that an LED doesn't flicker at 60 Hz. I don't why I didn't think of this sooner, but I'm happy to report that my motor speed is spot-on without any repairs or mods.