Optical vs Ultra Rendu.

Is it worth the $696 more to go with the optical Rendu:


Over the standard (ethernet connected) ultra Rendu:


Has anybody compared these units, is there a notable difference in sound quality between these two?  Both still connect to the DAC via USB. 


Showing 23 responses by high-amp

rooze - Interesting read, thanks. Could I trouble you for a link to the optical units you purchased from Amazon? Also, what are you using for a music server?

Do you have any idea what the alternative "one box solution" is, as mentioned at the end of the review?

arafiq - great feedback, thanks.
By chance, did you happen to compare the Optical to the Ultra?
dbt - very interesting, you are definitely bucking the trend of most who say optical is their preference.
classdstreamer - Yes, just learning. I am currently rebuilding my system. Have speakers and amp but no streamer at this point. 
Originally had a Macbook Air to DAC via USB then a Roon Nucleus to DAC via USB. I am debating between the two SGC unites mentioned in my initial post and trying to get a feel from others on their related experiences.

I'm sorry, I must have missed your link, I'll go back and check it out, thank you.

Sonic79 - Thank you for the Explanation. Have you personally heard the difference between these two units?

sns - thank you for your detailed response, but I'm starting to find this a little bit overwhelming. Would it be possible for you to send me a simple drawing via PM or attach it here, so I can get a better handle on what you have done with your system so I can possibly duplicate it?

Thanks all. I have been researching a digital front end for some time now, sort of the last piece of the puzzle for me. It really seems this SGC bundle is something that checks all my boxes. My last hurdle was just trying to make the final call on the Ultra or the Optical. From what most of you are telling me here, it sounds like the $700 upgrade would be worth it. 


singingg - super interesting journey, thank you for sharing. I'm hoping to get as close to what you have achieved, but somehow, without 9 boxes. You've definitely taken separates to another level!


rbstehno - "It’s funny that people are worried about sq when they use usb to their dac. If you want to increase sq, stop using usb."

Interesting comment, but both Ultra Rendu and Optical Rendu use a USB connection to the DAC.

I also had a Wyred 4 Sound 2v2SE DAC that the owner (E.J. Sarmento) recommended to connect both his MS music server and a Roon Nucleus to via USB for best sound quality.

How do you connect?



soix - Thanks, but inserting what for $80?

This SGC i5 bundle includes a music server that has a Roon core built in saving me from purchasing a Roon Nucleus at $1,459. Then it comes with the optical Rendu, a LPS and all the cables for $2,695.

If you have a cost saving alternative, I’m all ears!!!

Honestly, in the past, I just ran a Roon Nucleus, via USB directly into my DAC and I thought it just sounded fine, but everyone seems to say USB to DAC isn’t so great. It’s also stated it's better to have a dedicated music server , then use  ethernet to DAC (better than USB) with optical being better yet.



Then to add more confusion, the wiring diagram on the Small Green Computer site show a simple fiber ethernet cable going from the router to the optical Rendu.


So, what is all the extra hardware seen in this Hans Beekhuyzen video starting around 2:05. Such as the SFP media converters. What is the difference between these two set ups and will there be any difference in SQ? 


sns - "Get good power supply for OpticalRendu, best you can afford"

Do you feel the LPS sold with the Rendu (bundle) is inferior? And

"At some point you may want to look into getting a switch rather than going out from relatively noisy router."

Any recommendations on a good switch?

Also sns you state: "OpticalRendu $1500 plus FMC $25 or so"

In this bundle it does not show any FMCs, so what is this for?


Thanks all. 

sns - I do not have a server, if I purchase a bundle from SGC the Sonictransporter i5 would be my music server.

My current router is a combo router/modem, an older Netgear AC1750 so the only reason I presume I would need a switch would be for a optical line for the Rendu. 

There hasn't been much emphasis on modems in most of these "Digital" conversations. My older Netgear AC1750 works great but should I consider upgrading it? It has been discontinued so this is the only this is the only link I could find for it:


sns - thanks for all your help and advice. I will be using the DAC onboard my SPL Director Mk2 pre-amp to start. I have no idea how it will compare to the many other DACs touted here, such as Musetec, Denafrips, Holo Audio, MHDT, etc.

I tried starting a thread elsewhere to see if anybody has compare this on-board DAC to some of these DACs mentioned but no takers yet. The SPL line doesn’t seem to get a lot of press here on AG?

I may be maxed out for cash once I’m done and may have to leave out chasing DACs for my next life.

jjss49 - wow, thanks for all that!
OK, so it looks like you can purchase a Ultra Rendu then add these media converters to achieve an optical connection.

But, if you purchase and Optical Rendu you wouldn't need these media converters as the Rendu is already optical. Am I reading this right?

classdstreamer - OK, I read the PS Audio article. Still not sure which way to go. I'll keep researching, thx.