Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...

Sad day for those of us who loved Oppo for their high quality products that supported SACD, DVD-Audio, as well as Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray formats.  Oppo has also been loved for its industry leading level of customer support.  Oh, well, at least my DV-980H, BDP-83, and UDP-203 are all still going strong!


Showing 2 responses by mapman

Its true does not cost much for good portable  sound these days.  A decent smartphone and a pair of $99 Grado headphones will be all most ever need.  Add a good quality amp/DAC and you are really in business.  Lots of tough competition for Oppo there.  Plus streaming is gradually putting all forms of disc players to rest.  So there you go.
Tariffs on Chinese electronics imports coming.   They got out just in time. Apparently.