Oppo CDP is outstanding

I have an upgraded Oppo 103 CDP which was brought back into service for lack on connectivity issue with Micro-Rendu device today. I have gone all digital via my computer with a mostly full 8TB HHD, so while the MR issue is being sorted out, I played music via the Oppo all afternoon with my CD collection.  The CDP player is now several years old, but still sounds outstanding.   I have long thought that the Oppo players were the best and by far the most affordable glimpse of the great audio.  I have no clue why Oppo abandoned them.  At any rate, my Oppo CDP is a great performer. 

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I had a modest upgrade to my 103 a few years ago by Stereo Dave's shop in Seattle which was an excellent sonic upgrade, but I have no clue what they did to it in terms of upgrades.  I play my 7TB of digital music via my iMac, connected to my computer modem into the Micro-Rendu into my DAC, using Audirvana.  I also have Tidal Hifi.  As my Micro-Rendu awaits a new SD card to hopefully deal with the failure to connect to my computer, I am happy to have the Oppo to spin my CD's in the interim.  I just finished ripping all my CD's onto my HDD so the Oppo is just back up at this point.  At any rate, the Oppo is a stellar performer... for very little money.  Cheers.