Oppo BDP-95 Versus Bel Canto DAC 3.5

I am interested to hear opinions from those who have heard both.

I look forward to your comments.


Showing 9 responses by savjam

Doggiehowser, thanks for your response. A couple of questions. I gather from your post that the bel canto is more revealing. In what other areas (e.g., transparency, imaging, soundstaging, high frenquency, bass,...etc) do you think the bel canto improves on the 95 and to what extent? Second, would you consider the upgrade to mark ii status significant? And, in what areas?


Doggiehowser, thanks for taking the time to thoroughly answer all my questions. You were very helpful.

Just one final question: How does the Oppo compare to the Bel Canto CD2 as a transport?

I hope to one day own a great system like yours. Keep enjoying this great hobby of ours.

Thank you.

Thanks for your inputs.

I currently have the Oppo which is a great product and one of the best values in highend. I was wandering if I would realize a significant sonic upgrade with the DAC 3.5.

I was aware that the Oppo does not have a digital input. I have used the usb input for music from a flash drive. It sounds good however, I think the user interface could be improved.

As far as what would be feeding the DAC 3.5, it would be either the Oppo thru SPDIF or a Mac Mini USB (configured wtih Pure Misic)--> Empirical Audio Off-Ramp USB Converter.

Thanks. Out of curiosity, did you compare the performance between lns1 and the vbs1? Did the Ref cable make a significant difference over the standard cable? It sounds like you have an extremely resolving system. Are you using the dac direct to amp? What type of speakers do you use?


Doggiehowser, is the Mac Mini a superior digital source than the Oppo? If yes, what USB converter are you using? Also, how does the Mini compare to the Bel Canto CD2 as a digital source?
Thanks. I think I will sell my Oppo and get a Mac Mini. Bel Canto is coming out with a new line of asynchronous USB converters which I will consider. I will miss the Oppo for it's ability to play SACDs (I have a small collection) and for its excellent video. Hopefully this will be a step forward in sound quality and overall convenience.
Sandstone good point. I will hold on to the Oppo. I have been planning to make the move to computer audio for awhile but resisted because I never thought the sound quality was good enough until now. Good idea on the laptop but unfortunately I don't have one. I selected the Mini because of the interoperability with other apple products which I have. If the Mini can equal or best the sound quality of the Oppo as a digital source into a high quality DAC like the Bel Canto, I will be a happy camper.