I use my 105 just for spinning discs; red book, DVD-A and SACD
It is common knowledge that its weak link is the OEM power supply module. The good news is its a relatively easy DIY as complete PNP modules are available on Ebay ($200 and up). Should you do that, also replace the IEC (power cord socket) with one of the many choices on Ebay. The one I bought also removes the 110/220 jumper and BAM killer player. Easy Peazy
It also has a built in volume control. Outputs straight into your amp
It is common knowledge that its weak link is the OEM power supply module. The good news is its a relatively easy DIY as complete PNP modules are available on Ebay ($200 and up). Should you do that, also replace the IEC (power cord socket) with one of the many choices on Ebay. The one I bought also removes the 110/220 jumper and BAM killer player. Easy Peazy
It also has a built in volume control. Outputs straight into your amp