Oppo 93/103 or 95/105 with anthem d2v

I currently have an Anthem D2V paired with a Classe CA 2200/Anthem P5 powering a 7.1 Wilson Audio system with Sophia 3's. I am currently using an Oppo 83SE but need a new player that can play 3D. I initially thought I would be listening to a lot of 2 channel but nowadays I essentially use my room for 95% home theatre viewing and 5% music listening. Although this may change in the future do you think I should spring for the oppo 95 or just a 93? I know the anthem isn't the greatest in 2 channel but it also isn't bad so would listening to 2 channel music through HDMI on an oppo 93 be bad?

Thanks all.
>> would listening to 2 channel music through HDMI on an oppo 93 be bad? <<

That's what I do and it sounds great. If you had posted that music was your primary use, I would say get the Oppo 105. But for your stated use, the 93 is way more than capable...

Based on the cost/quality of your other components, I would spend the extra money for the 105.

You seem to have posted this to the wrong forum. You'll probably get a better response on the Digital forum.