Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex

I have a new Ayre Codex DAC, a pretty good DAC.   I connected my Oppo 103 to my preamp with RCA cables and also connected the Oppo via a decent Toslink cable.  I could switch back at forth RT between the analogue path vs the digital path > Ayre DAC and I will be damned if I can perceive any difference, not even in SPL.  The Codex was a bit of any improvement over my Ayre QB-9, a much-heralded DAC, which itself was a demonstrable improvement over the five sub-$1K DAC’s that preceded it streaming music from my iMac.  The QB-9 acquisition prompted me to sell my TT, it was that good.  The Codex is slightly better.

Two observations:
1.  The DAC in the Oppo 103 is very good.  
2.  Knowing that my $20 Toslink cable is as good as the RCA connection, it frees up the $350 Cerious Technology Graphene Express IC cables to be used elsewhere in my system.  

While I am moving to have all my music on an external HD and playing the music through the Audirvana software, with its error correction, etc., I will always have use a CD player.   By far, the great valued-component component in my sytem has long been the Oppo 103.  It was the best $550 I have ever spent in an audio purchase.  I did hear an Oppo 205 and it was slightly sonically superior to my Oppo 103, which makes sense.  I have no clue why Oppo discontinued their sales of the Oppo CDP’s.

Showing 2 responses by dbphd

whitest, aren't you using the wrong Oppo for your comparison?  Audio quality is the distinguishing characteristic between a 103 and 105.  If you're concerned about audio quality you want a unit ending with a 5 not a 3.  

In preparing for downsizing, I discovered I have a 95, 105, 105D, and 205. The 105D and 205 were in active setups, but I had forgotten about the 95 and 105 sitting in boxes.  I plan to sell all of them, and keep only an Ayre DX-5 DSD.  Since getting hooked on Roon, I rarely spin discs or vinyl any more.  I wonder if Oppo got out because the future seems to be streaming, not spinning.
jameswei, IIRC the DSD layer of SACDs is available only from HDMI for copy protection reasons.