Opinons on Musical Fidelity A3 cr Preamp

Very interesting preamp so far (I've had it 3 days). Doesn't sound like a solid-state preamp at all. Very musical, very natural, relaxed sound. Harmonically complex, especially in comparison to my MFA Magus tube preamp - which has a sweet, forward midrange, but not that much on either the top or the bottom). A little less bright than the Magus as well, and I'm find myself having to raise the volume a little higher with the MF to hear vocalists than with the Magus -- probably because the tube units pronounced midrange emphasis. After 8 years with the Magus, it's taking a little getting used to. The MF is far superior with classical recordings. I am leaning towards keeping it (I have the usual 30 day return privledge with Audio Advisor), but I'd be interested other owners/previous auditioner's opinions. If it goes back, I'd probably be looking for a pre-owned Joule Electra LM-100 III (at probably $600 more than the MF) or Rogue Audio 99 -- pieces (from what I've read) are worth a serious audition. So I'd be interested in any comparisons to those units.

Showing 3 responses by horizon

I actually owned a Line 1 for a couple of weeks, and while loving the top and the bottom, simply could not live with midrange -- with the stock Sovtek, of course. What kind of tubes are you using in your Line 1.
Just spoke to a Sonic Frontiers dealer, who informed me that SF is about to release an SE version of all three preamps -- with Valvo tubes rather than the Sovteks, and improved parts/wiring throughout. I'm thinking that it might be worth a shot. If you had to quantify the re-tubed Line 1's performance versus the A3cr, how much "better" (in your opinion) would you estimate it to be?
Well, it has been two weeks with the Musical Fidelity -- and I must say I am extremely impressed. It is a terrific unit (as least as far as I can tell, since I will never use the phono stage) that seems more and more musical every day. My only serious quibble is the meagre range of the remote (which is limited to about 15 feet, at least 5-8 less than my $250 Pioneer DVD-525 transport!) -- which I will eventually try to remedy by writing Mr. Michelson personally. Other than that, I can't imagine a solid state unit sounding any sweeter or more musical (at least within any vaguely sensible price range). I will almost assuredly keep it -- and add 1 or 2 of the matching amps at some point (to replace my Conrad Johnson MF-200). My guess is that a third-party line cord will further improve the musicality of the unit (the supplied cord is exceedingly thin and generic), as well as eventually running the preamp from a PS Audio Powerplant. Thanks everyone for your input. Opinions on the matching amp are also appreciated (although I may indeed eventually need two to drive Apogee Duetta Signatures).