Opinions: What Power Cord for Aesthetix Gear?

Well it has been less than a year since I acquired the Aesthetix Calypso linestage and Rhea phono amp and I truthfully am one happy camper. That said, I recently found that isolation (decoupling) with a set of old Aurios Classics under the chassis resolved a huge difference to the positive in clearing up what to me was already a beautifully clear sound. Presently I am using a pair of PS Audio power cords on the Aesthetix gear and feel I could be doing better. Please offer me some help in a good recommendation to focus my efforts in the right direction for auditioning new power cords. If you have a recommendation based on "experience" with your Aesthetix equipment, all the better. One caveat though, I'm not looking to run out and pay a thousand dollars a piece for some cool power cords when I have a list a mile and a half long of vinyl I have yet to own. An audiophile has to have his (or her) priorities and I’m a record collector first and foremost. Thanks again.

Showing 1 response by r_f_sayles

...It has been a long time and much has changed but, I have not traded in the Aesthetix Calypso or Rhea and the power cords that now reside are the Silent Source Signatures. Not as inexpensive as I had once hoped but, as lightly used cables, and after auditioning so many worthy opponents these are well burnt in and poses all the musical characteristics I desire. Some may have a case for the fact that the "power cable" is the (or a) source component and a very important one at that.

Happy Listening!