Opinions Sonus Faber Electa Amator II

Hi, what are peoples opinion of this speaker. Also, has anyone use a sub with it. I heard Rel subs good with them. By the way, what do people think of the original Sonus Faber Electa Amator I speaker.
I'm not going to get into the EAI vs II debate, but the fact the older version has the Esotar tweeter doesn't have to make it superior. It is a good tweeter, but its implementation in the original Electa Amator is mediocre at most. For me, the high frequencies sound detached from the midband and at times overly enthusiastic. The newer version uses a cheaper tweeter - a ScanSpeak custom made to Sonus'
specifications, but still it is an excellent unit that integrates wery well with the rest of the spectrum. This, plus gorgeous midrange and excellent bottom end, make it a truly exceptional speaker. The only other small speaker that was able to connect me with music the way EAII did was Talon Khite - compared to the Electas a little less vivid, but with even richer and smoother tonal balance.
I've never heard them but most people will tell you that the original version is superior because it uses the same tweeter as the Extrema, not sure what else has changed.
i used for a six months with krell intg. and musica amps.it s very very good speakers (with musica).may be i ll buy one more pair.