Opinions on Walker High Definition Links

I think I have become a tweaker. I tried the Walker SST silver cream and was favorably impressed. I am now thinking about the Walker HDL's and would appreciate any observations you might have on this product. Current setup includes Audio Physic Virgo II speakers, Rogue M150 amps, Camelot Uther IV DAC/Preamp, Theta Basic II transport and Tara Labs air 1 interconnects and speaker cable. I have been researching component upgrades but have not found anything exciting that doesn't require a hugh capital outlay therefore I am looking at tweaks to optimize my current system.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

The man who designed my speakers was over one day and noticed the Walkers on my speakers and asked what they were for. When explained, he brought out his spectrum analyzer and we measured some white noise (I was only using them on the tweeters) through the speakers. The treble was noticeably smoother on the analyzer with the links in place, which might explain why I felt they seemed to slightly lessen the high frequency "hash" you sometimes hear in a system. A tweak that works, though it certainly was not the equivalent of a component upgrade. Pricey, though.