Opinions on the current market

I’ve been reading extensively, trying to narrow down the best option for a tube pre to add to my system. The nature of the hobby is such that I expect to try a few different options, so I’m curious about people’s opinions on the market right now. Figuring I’ll have to resell whatever i try, I’d like to ‘buy right’ now. I’m not by nature an equipment flipper, but there are just too many possible options to expect to get it right first time. Anyone else looking at prices now, with informed opinions of whether the market is good or not for a buyer?

Showing 9 responses by english210

Isochronism, nice RE-write:) @hilde45, I’d been watching your thread, interested in the outcome, but missed where you ended up with the QS. Enjoy!! You put in a lot of work to get there :) My old lazy butt requires a remote though
@hilde45You got my point, thanks, as did @three-easy-payments: buyers vs sellers market. In reading old posts while researching used pre’s, some of the ‘you can get xyz-brand/model within your budget, used’ answers have equipment that is way higher than the quoted budget in today’s prices. On the face of it, that would seem used gear prices are on the rise. I’m thinking used to minimize risk, despite having had good luck in the past. But if a piece is selling for $2K now, I’d like to know I can get close to that amount back if I find I don’t like it in my system. I’m not looking to be greedy and make money, I just don’t want to loose my shirt.
Millercarbon, so my item of zero intrinsic value being traded for a component of some inherent value, I.e. ‘dollars’ for a component, means I shouldn’t worry how many of my dollars are traded for said component? 10k of them for a used Schuett Freya? When was the last time you did that?
Wow, you have been busy! I can’t claim any knowledge/opinions on any of that gear, except by reputation. I’m glad to see you’ve got the hard work (mostly) behind you, so you get off the computer and in the listening chair - hope yo u got a comfy one :)
@Ihasaguy I’ve noticed that, but for some reason I’ve never been interested in Mac. I have a dealer close, and aside from their setup that used the OMG Sonus Fabers in a huge room with the biggest amps, a system that cost more than my house, I’ve not been impressed. It doesn’t draw me in. Your point is well taken on their ability to hold value, though!
Wants/needs list:

HT bypass (although I can get around it, and may do that since I’m also concerned about ‘burning up’ tube life when the system is in tv/movie watching mode, and most but NOT all pres require the pre is on for bypass to work). I’d like balanced connections, as even on my Marantz AVP8802a from my Oppo balanced outputs, it does sound slightly better. @verdantaudio I don’t know about gain, my Odyssey Stratos is spec’d at 22Kohm impedance, if that helps. No phono, the only source will be the Oppo (and AVP via HT input).
@chorus. Your points are good, although the 2 year old part may be tough(er). That’s one reason I’m thinking of older ‘heavy hitter’ brands where the vast majority of depreciation will have occurred already.

thanks all!!
@chorus. I was going to dutifully ignore your first rule, but in fairness to myself, I’ve been looking/reading/researching since just before the lockdown. Actually, probably a month before, since I had a few weekends when I relistened to a PL EVO400 at my local store a few times. But I get your point :)
Can’t argue with that, Ralph. Plus with all our extra time, it gives more time to nitpick the system and look for reasons to upgrade:). Having said that, I’m in auto service, so aside from a few extra days off I’ve been working right along....
I agree to a point. It’s impossible to hear everything first, and doubly so to hear everything, in my system, before buying. I’m going to have to take a risk and theoretically, multiple risks. The first piece I buy may improve my SQ, but still not be the ‘right’ answer. I’m looking hard at some older, higher line pieces in the $2K range. Hoping the depreciation is mostly done, and I could recover most of the dollars if needed.