opinions on the blue point special

can i have any and all opinions on the blue point special cartridge.is it to bright? have to much gain? lack sonics? work with only certain equipment? example ;dark systems or laid back systems? or is it just right if you know how to set it up?please let me know what you think.thank you.

Showing 1 response by greggtrgi

i think all of the above posts make sense though some are apparently in conflict (imho they're all correct)...but of course that's what these forums are all about. i will only tell you that i sheared the stylus off my BPS once, then followed that minor disaster with the maid having a go at it just after i had the cartridge repaired ( i've now sat with the TT like this until i decide on my next move - fear can be a paralyzing thing!)

but i digress...i thought the cartridge was A-OK, not especially emotional in my system and not especially rich but, compared to digital (i have a Naim 3.5 CDP), definitely a step up.

the problem with trying to figure out what cartridge to go with and why forums regarding cartridges can be helpful and confusing at the same time is that there is no easy way to audition this piece of equipment in your system (or even at an audio store these days, for that matter). that is why a experienced friend or (gulp) dealer can be really helpful. good luck
