opinions on modern horn speakers

Hello kind souls on the gon ,Do any of you have any opinions on the sound of some of the new horns on the market? Like the oris , avantgard or ?I have owned most types of speaker systems, many very pricy and popular,All sounded souless compared to a good horn on a SET amplifier .Have any of you experanced the same? Or the oposite?.Many people say that horns are in your face or honky sounding .I have only heard this out of antique horns and PA gear .Just wondering if others have a opinion on this .Thxs for your time .JK

Showing 1 response by audiofederation

Acapella makes the only full-range (by using hybrid driver techniques) horn that sounds like a single-driver, has all the benefits of a horn speaker and none of the disadvantages (well, except perhaps size). These are the best general-purpose speakers made today (and they do rock-and-roll just fine :-) but like most speakers the better the upstream components are the happier you will be. While "high-quality" solidstate sounds quite good with them, on the bigger ones, with the higher efficiencies, a single-ended triode like an ML2 could be very well be the best pairing since... Rogers and Hammerstein, or Martin and Lewis, or.... the dynamic duo?

-Mike (Audio Federation, Acapella dealer, some time rock-and-roller)