Opinions on Glass Shelves

I am thinking about buying a new audio rack. When I tap on the shelf below the shelf on which my turntable sits while the needle is on an LP at rest, I can hear the a slight echo in my speakers.

I’ve looked into various audio racks including some from Billy Bags. The salesperson at Billy Bags told me that their ¾” cracked glass was sound-deadening and would provide excellent sound isolation. To me this is counterintuitive.

Has anyone had any experience with cracked glass from Billy Bags?

Has anyone had any experience with glass shelves in general?

Showing 2 responses by dan_ed

Thanks for posting, Jmstogo! Can you give us a brief description of what the laminates look like and/or the process to make these shelves? I'm not looking for secrets, just trying to get a mental image of these shelves.
This doesn't sound like your average glass shelf. There is not much info on the Billy Bag's site but they do refer to 1" thick glass shelves. I'm guessing that the cracked glass provides a very large number of random surfaces to break up/slow down any vibrations. Sounds like a good question to ask the factory. Don't just take the salesman's explanation. I would move carefully. By going to a more deadened stand you may lose some of what you have now. I can tap on my stand with the stylus down and hear it in my speakers. I know people make a big deal of this, but I'm not convinced that it means anything. If I smack my preamp with a hammer I'm sure I'll hear that through my speakers as well. But what does that really mean?