Opinions of the EMM DCC2 SE

I am seriously considering changing my analog linestage with built in phono amp to a digital linestage with built in DAC. The EMM DCC2 SE seems like a worthy successor to my HP 200 MC. Any thoughts or caveats would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by khrys

Thanks for your responses, all most helpful.

Goatwuss, your question regarding "problems" with the sound of my Hovland is most salient. It is a great preamp falling sonically somewhere between a Jadis JP 80 MC and an ARC Ref 3. As French_fries has noted, its noise-floor has currently become an issue since I began using YG speakers whose accuracy, neutrality and transparency I now find the benchmark to which I want my other components to adhere.

For me it has become the reverse Ivor Tiefenbrun syndrome. To my surprise I have found that the extraordinary accuracy of YG speakers is best complemented by equally accurate components rather than "compensatory" romantic alternatives.

Not that I mind "euphonics", but think I'm moving beyond that.
But I do intend to add more digital sources to my system.

The Boulder 1012 preamp with integral phono stage and DAC also interests me and I would be appreciative of opinions of that unit as well.

For the record, I am now running YG Anat Reference II Studios which have surely ignited this not unwelcome dilemma.