Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why?

My integrated amp died so I am now in the market for a replacement. I have always owned integrated amps, but have contemplated an PreAmp/Amp combo. I am interested in what is a better choice a high quality integrated amp or a preamp/amp combo? What are the pros and cons of either? In addition I would like to spend the same amount of money with either choice does this factor into the equation?
Meby! Stay away from those HiFi shops!!! Buy everything on Audiogon. You will save at least 50% overall. And when you upgrade, you won't lose much money by selling your components. When I started, I did the same as you. I bought EVERYTING at the HIFI shop and then discovered Audiogon. Then I felt so dumb for not finding this site earlier. I figured out that I lost about 1-2 K by going the audio shop route initially. Use the info on these forums and buy from the members. Have fun and let us know what you end up doing.
This may be a little in bad form, but I am planning on going to the Audio shops just to audition equipment to see what I like and then purchase off of Audiogon. The only equipment I feel maybe a bad idea to buy off of Audiogon is speakers and CD players, but I still would purchase them as dealer demos.
Maybe my thinking is wrong here but are not speakers easily damaged in both shipping and being over driven? Also speakers are so heavy I would imagine they would be cost prohibitve to ship? I am also thinking that the drawer and laser could easily be damaged on a CD player if not shipped correctly? That is why I am am a little heasitant to purchase those components with out at least at 30 day warranty. I am just paranoid?
I understand the motivation to save lots of money by shopping here on Audiogon, but, if you find an Audio shop that gives you good service and has the products you want, please consider purchasing the products there. The better brick and mortar retailers need your support. I for one feel it is in bad form to use up the time and energy of a salesman or two, to just use them to find out what you like and shop elsewhere. If on the other hand you cannot find a good retailer or find one that has the products you want but does not proviode good service, then by all means purchase the products where you like.
Just my two cents.
So Meby you got $3500 to spend. Let's see. Audio Aero Prima CDP $1600 NEW! (the soon to be released newer model price?) OR Audiomeca Keops $1600 New or Obsession like $1200 or so . Look for used on the 3 but hard to find. For amp Kora intergrated hybred(tubes+ss) 60 watts $750 NEW!! For speakers...give the VMPS RM1(ribbon hybred) $1600 NEW a consideration. So lets see 1600+750+1600= roughly $4K if used alittle less but then you got cables interconnects. For these go used Acoustic Zen lower price model say another $500 used for both. For speaker cables go to Home Depot try the thickest copper twisted wire you can find its like 90 cents ft. Good Luck
The Audio Aero Prima you refer to at $1600 is that the new one that does not have a tubed output stage and buffer? Does that player do upsampling? I went to the VMPS web site I think, it does not appear to have any info on dealers, pricing, etc., is this a new company?
Also the Kora you mention, is that the Explorer or design 30?