Opinion sought....

Would appreciate opinions for the following power cord which I have interest in buying
David Elrod's EPS - heard great things so thinking of trying.
NBS Omega 0 - latest model, tried its Statement
before so wondering how the Omega would stack up.
FIM Gold
Hi: I had FIM Gold, its substantially veiled and luck dynamics as compared to EPS 2. IMO, Elrod cords are the best, regardless of price
My 2 cents:
NBS Statement - low noise floor and tight mid bass.
FIM Gold - very nice mid (warmth) and palpable soundstage.
Omega & EPS - no encounter.
I have heard the EPS-2 and EPS-3's at a dealer's place, Chambers Audio. The dealer is "jtinn". The cables are awesome. I have not had any experience with the NBS, but they do not seem to hold their value. The FIM Gold is good, but not nearly as dynamic as the Elrod's.