Opinion on Target CD's

I was wondering what the general concensus is of the audio quality of Target CD's? Worth pursuing?

I see these listed on ebay and they seem to be desirable per ebay standards. They are marketed as original run CD's out of West Germany implying superior sound quality.

Thanks for any input.

Mike O.

Showing 1 response by pinball101

Interesting responses. Two days of crickets and then the fun begins.

First off, I'm new here. We'll see if the responses I get keep me coming back for more.

And the question surfaced, well, because I'm new here. I did a search of the forums and found no information on this subject whatsoever so figured I would post here.

While new to this forum, I'm not new to forums and the free speech environment. It takes all kinds.

To those that answered earnestly, thanks. I got the answer I was looking for.

From the responses presented it doesn't sound like they hold much merit here. No problem.

See you around.