Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time

I seriously can’t think of anything worse. I grew up listening to country music in the late 80s and early 90s, and a lot of that was pretty bad. But this new stuff, yikes.

Who sees some pretty boy on a stage with a badly exaggerated generic southern accent and a 600 dollar denim jacket shoehorning the words “ice cold beer” into every third line of a song and says “Ooh I like this, this music is for me!”

I would literally rather listen to anything else.Seriously, there’s nothing I can think of, at least not in my lifetime or the hundred or so years of recorded music I own, that seems worse.


Showing 2 responses by prndlus

A country show came on the radio.

Between songs, they played a snippet of a recording from a movie? a recording? a variety show? I don’t know.

Man: Tell me, what kinds of music do you have?

Woman: Why, we have BOTH kinds, Country AND Western.

After I posted, I remembered Bob Newhart on the subject.

It’s been so long, I must paraphrase:

Many people enjoy country music. Myself, I don’t care for it. But I don’t wish to denigrate those who do like it. And for those of you who do… [long pause] …the word ‘denigrate’ means, to insult, or put down.

By the way, just having fun here; I like early country music, old-timey, and bluegrass.

And thank you for the insight, cleeds.