Well, I have heard the SDA SRS a long time ago. I always felt that it sounded very muddy and slow--I did not like it. There are others who think it is a great speaker. It is definitely a different animal than the Polks you own, and I would caurion you not to buy it until you hear it. You will either love it or hate it, but I wouldn't give up a very good speaker, as you now own, for something you haven't heard and that sounds as different as the SDA series.
opine please,and thanks
I have a pair of Polk LSi15,run with 300wpc,in a well damped room.I have been interested in a pair of Polk SDA-SRS recently.Having never heard the SDA,I am curious if anyone here may be familiar with both,and would opine on the two in a comparitive view.You thoughts are appreciated.My listening is nearly all acoustic,'bebop',and other 'jazz' of acoustic nature.