Open baffle speakers

Open baffle speakers design is the simplest , to get bass response similar to other design , like ported, the baffle size must be huge to avoid low frequency degradations . Tipical size the baffle   width 10-20"  got weak  bass performance.   I am wondering how open baffle speakers design became so popular ?


This is information to all OB speakers fans. If you dont believe in acoustic silence and only trust what you are hearing , stop reading my post and keep enjoy in bass performance open baffle design . But if you have open mind -Baffle size must be bigger than length assume low frequency wave , For usually size baffle 20-30 " OB speakers bass performance starting from approx. 100-120 Hz






















The thing I didn’t like about the X3 was Clayton’s decision to use a 12” driver to reproduce the midrange. I never got the feeling that the midrange reproduction seemed “real”. There was no texture to voices and instruments. Dynamics were good and the bass depth and quality was excellent. I kept them about a year and moved them on.

It’s been a while, so hard to compare. The midrange performance of the IQs is definitely top notch. The powered 15” drivers on the X3 might get the nod, but not by much. 

@ozzy62 I know exactly what you mean concerning the midrange sound of the Spatials.  I’d like to hear the Qualio IQ speakers one day.



Which commercial OB speaker did you hear that you found wanting in bass response?  What was it like otherwise?  I am surprised by how decent bass can be even with the dipole cancellation and the lack of reinforcement from bass reflex or sealed box loading.  This is not the case with all OB speakers I heard, but the good ones convince me that it is possible.

It seems that @bache has a habit of starting controversial threads about OB speakers. Not a good look for a manufacturer who builds a competitive design.