Only you expensive cable owners, is this real?

I have followed and agree to all of your recommendations. I seen this on Facebook which I never believe anything but thought I would check it out with you guys.                                                   What are your thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

The most interesting angle so far is Ethan Winer's post here where he claims this is all an act, that Audiogon's reigning theoretical physicist doesn't really believe any of his own baloney and is doing this all as a joke. On all the dupes and rubes and fakers hawking crap like, oh I dunno, Teleportation Tweaks and polished rocks in plastic baggies. 

In other words, he thinks he's Alan Sokal.

Lizzie, as the reigning theoretical physicist here
Thanks Codenamegeoff, that made me laugh.

For any who may not be familiar with the work (used loosely) of "the reigning theoretical physicist here" (On Audiogon! Eat your heart out, Richard Feynman!) now where was I, oh yeah, here's his website.

Oop! My mistake. That was one of the reigning theoretical physicists customers. Here's his website:

Dark matter! Teleportation! Rock polishers! Long may he reign!