Onkyo m510 grand integra

Hello. I am planning to buy this amp (used). Does anybody know it or has ever listened to it? The system would include proac d80 speakers, an accuphase dp 67 cd player and a BAT vk 3 preamp. Music that I usually listen to includes pretty much everything except rap and heavy metal. Thanks in advance for your recomendations.
Hello everyone I purchased a grand integra m-510 and am in need of the TT202-50 thyristors I cannot find any info on these anywhere on the schematic it shows similar to a scs  it has the gate on the cathode side and the cathode and anode are reversed like the current is flowing from the cathode to the anode can anyone help thanks
Almost started the purchase years back, like in 94 or 95,
decided on the m504 instead, blew her up within three years. 

 Amazing amplifier.

long in the tooth, make sure you know and trust someone who can do a recapping, and give a look-see for any potential future electrical issues, if I had the chance, I think I would get one of the. Price was right.

they are an amazing amp.

if you get one, do enjoy her.
The M-510 had no matching preamp. Onkyo made matching amp/pre-amp pairs up through the M-508/P-308. There was an M-588/P-388 that came after the M-510 and the P-388 physically resembled the M-510 with the champagne finish. The pre, however, had XLR cable inputs to match the M-588 and, of course, the M-510 doesn't have that hook-up capability. I am using a P-308 with the M-510 to match the "In Phase" circuitry that Onkyo pioneered at the time. So far, AWESOME results pushing FOUR sets of speakers: RTR 280-DR, RTR ESR-15 electrostats, RTR DR-1 "Dymistatic" electrostats, and Synergistics S-53. One quarter volume is all my house can handle! READY TO RUMBLE!
Two day old listing on US Audio Mart. Seller is in Scotch Plains, NJ and is asking $7,500.
Looks like there's one for sale now on Audiogon for a cool $9000.00. Never had the opportunity to hear one but $9K for a 30 year olds amp. You can buy alot of great modern day amps for that amount of coin and Im quite sure they'll sound alot better then the M510. It does look good though.

any one else know there a onkyo m 510 for sale??plse advise,,,with in the US,,that would be great<<thanks
hi there,,i have been searching everywhere for this amp,,right now,,i saw the ad in audigon for 9000.00,,so do you think how much is reasonable for the m 510 cost these days,,any one??
"So I then offered an Pass Labs X-350 or a set of Krell mono-blocks. I received the same mute answer"

My guess is he had no clue about these brands and their sound quality.


which audio shop in Baltimore? Man, 11 amps? That is quite a collection.

Happy Listening!

Man-o-man, Does anyone know of another M-510 for sale? While at the shop in Baltimore last week a fellow came in with a mint M-510 and the matching pre-amp. Both were beautiful pieces. I tried to purchase it. The fellow told me without a moments hesitation, "No way, at any price". He said that he didn't think it would really stand up to modern, "High-End" amplifiers but still loved it. When I pressed him on what "High-End" amps he was thinking of he had no answer. So I offered him a trade. A new McIntosh MC402 for his vintage M-510. He just smiled and shook his head. So I then offered an Pass Labs X-350 or a set of Krell mono-blocks. I received the same mute answer. He had to know I was serious as he could see the eleven amplifiers I was dropping off for service. 
   I guess, "just to turn the screws a bit", he then told me that he was indeed the original owner and still, "of course" had all the original boxes, packing, cabling and manuals.
       I tried.
   Does anyone know what model # the matching pre-amplifier was? I do remember that it's NOT a P-510. I want to say it was a P-389F but found nothing when I looked that number up.
I bought an M-510 in December. One of the channels was terribly distorted and the seller said cold solder joints were the culprit. A highly skilled technician in Williamsburg, VA found the ONE bad solder joint and repaired it along with turning down the bias. He said it was running so hot, an egg could have fried on top. Now, it's in my home awaiting hook-up. It will replace my M-508. Stay tuned for a report.
By the way, For the price they hold their own. They made matching pre's for all of them I believe. Those above that didn't like them, may have been listening to a pre that just wasn't compatible with them or even 
sub-standard.. I do not find the M-508 "flat", at all. They seem to like tube pre's, but what amp doesn't?
If anyone ever needs service on a Grand Integra just call, "Just audio" in Baltimore Md. They are a factory autyh rep and where I take all my Onkyo Grand Integra"s for service. I have a bunch! They have a form on their website for mail in gear. But If you've got a M-510 for sale                                                             "Contact ME!"
       That is the only one I've never had!
I could see the love for a ole Marantz receiver...man those were cool...but...ah...what ever floats the boat.
It goes to prove how subjective this hobby is. Are you KIDDING me, 4.5k for a 25-30 year old 510? I know this is an old post but to those that might be tempted by a "legendary" component from days bygone, just be aware of what you're willing to pay relative to what is available in the here and now. I heard the 508, not the 510, numerous times at a local dealer many years back and the sound was always the same, as flat as a pancake, no depth, layering and a bit harsh in the upper frequencies relative to the competition, the antithesis of tube sound or the best ss, to my ears of that time, the Class A Thresholds. Or is the 510 a whole nother ballgame? I doubt it!
I have one i put a Cary tube preamp and infinity kappa 9's ,I had 10 different amps and set ups,,,this amp was Unreal,,endless power ,,and the sonic's the thing has!, hope this helps
Almost bought one of these just now but something someone said above struck a chord... Sure, this amp will likely meet or exceed the sonic qualities of the Krell and Levinson stuff of that era, and is in many respects probably of better quality, but a serious problem presents if the thing ever breaks down (and it will, at some point, need caps, or other parts replaced). Unless you are buying it for its collectible value, be prepared to run straight into a brick wall should it ever need service.

For the price these go for you're pretty much right on the cusp, or even exceeding in some cases the price of a pair of McIntosh MC501 Monoblocks which will be nearly forever serviceable and retain their value almost as well. Some guy at a stereo shop in California (Allegro) is trying to get 10 grand for one of these, and at that point you could do so much better. Almost got mine for 5500 then I had to think twice about future repairs.
Extremesounds100: "Funny, but I always see them selling for about 1/2 (half) of the original list price, and often taking weeks to sell. This would "Never" happen with a Grand Integra. Food for thought. Peace out."

My pair of Levinson ML-2's sell for approx. their newprice ;-)
Greetings. I actually have one of these Onkyo M-510's and love it. First, I will confirm the obvious. The 510 is extremely powerful, dynamic, very clean, and presents well. I have been running it with an Audio Research LS2B preamp, and a Marantz SA-11S1 super audio cd player. I have pushed the Paradigm Studio 100's, JBL 240ti's, and Sonus Faber Concerto's with it. All of them sounded great. Definitely very tight and fast bass, and deep. This amp will not run out of power too easily.

I do not agree with people that have or have had 1 or 2 "expensive audiophile" amps in their lives, passing judgement/knocking against such an impressive machine, without ever hearing it. Onkyo only made a few of these, as their flagship taunting, and they are loaded with very serious hardware.

Bottom line, this is an awesome amp, capable of running in different circles and coming up respectable. Lastly, has anyone seen the resale value of a Krell or a Mark Levinson amp, 10-20 years later ? Funny, but I always see them selling for about 1/2 (half) of the original list price, and often taking weeks to sell. This would "Never" happen with a Grand Integra. Food for thought. Peace out.
Hello I have an Onkyo at 110v in excellent condition for sale. If you are interested please contact me. Thanks.
Hello is your Onlyo still available and it work at 230v?
Please send me your phone number for discuss. I live in Italy.
Many thanks.
Hello is your Onkyo m510 in Norway still available?
Please send me same pictures. Do you have the original boxes and manual?
Can you send me a phone number for discuss? Thanks.
I have one in Norway. It´s a 230V in nearly mint cond.
If you are interested the price is US 4500.-
Best regards
Trygve Knutsen
I had a Jeff Rowland top of the line at that time and also tried a ARC SP10 & SP11 with it and all sounded great.

The mono blocks I got at that time were Krell KSA 250's and I can say sonic wise there were allot more things I preferred with the 510. I did not like their speaker binding post, the large power cord is fixed, takes two to properly move it arround.

It's really going to come down to trial and error different flavours and depending on the rest of your set-up.

Now I'm not trying to scare you off but this design dates back a few years now so my only concern would be condition which realistically there is no way of knowing besides visual inspection, confirming when you touch the top vents it runs only warm to the touch but once the unit has been on for a few hours using it, meters work properly. Nothing last for ever, if it broke who would have the skill to fix it along with getting appropriate parts.

The person whom I sold mine too enjoyed it for years but then one day while listening it just shut down. Long story after trying to find someone qualified which was a task on it's own found out the big transformers needed replacing, he lucked out because they still had some but that was close to 15 years ago, I recall by the time the tech was done the cost was $2K but apparently the amp never sounded the same again so the owner said.

So you really need to take all this into consideration.

Good luck!
Thanks Dev. Do you remember if you paired it with a tube preamp? (that's what i intend to do). Do you think it's going to remain a good amp for a few years? Thanks again.

Good for you Frankie67,

it's a great amp. I owned one back in the days, if it would have come in mono block form who knows I might still own it today.

Absolutely gorgeous looking beast!

I had it paired up with numerous speakers and worked well with all of them.
I think i am going to get it. The specs are unbelievable (300 watt per channel at 8 ohm)! i will let you know how it plays out!
While I have never owned or heard any of the Grand Integra amps, specifically the M510, they were considered competion for the Mark Levinsons and Krells of the time.

Here is an interesting snippit. I can't remember what site I got this from.

"In a recent review, Stereophile indicated those Onkyo amps were competitive with the Krell and Mark Levinson models of that era. Those gold-toned Grand Integras were also popular at high end audio shows, particularly in the early home theater demos (this was before the advent of multichannel receivers, and right when the first consumer Dolby Surround decoders became available). I recall one setup using a Novabeam front projection TV, and the audio driven by a pair of monobridged Onkyo Grand Integras, with surrounds driven by another two-channel Onkyo amp."

It had a good reputation at one time and I thought about buying one on several occasions but circumstances were never quite right. In my opinion it would be a good amp but whether it would be up to the level of the rest of your equipment would be hard to say. If the price and condition were good I think I would try it.